Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our Happy Trip to California

Hi! Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I was on vacation to California! It was sooo much fun! I took tons of pictures with my camera. I just can't wait to tell you all about it!
The first night we were there we stayed at my uncle's house. It was much better than a hotel! We went to a pizza place called Gina's Pizza. The food was great! I had a really good picture of everyone eating but my camera broke and we had to take the batteries out. The picture was erased.
The next day was Thanksgiving. We went to my uncle and aunt's house. We had a yummy meal of course. I made a banana cream pie. My cousins have a Wii. Travis and I had a lot of fun playing it. Here are some pictures.

Thanksgiving dinner

Me & Trav playin' the Wii

The next day we went to Torrance. That's where I used to live. It was fun. But it was sad too. We went to our favorite park that was practically across the street from where we used to live. We went to our favorite restaurants. Which were some of the best restaurants ever! I'm not kidding! We went to visit our friends at their new house. While we were walking to the restaurant that we were going to have dinner at we met some friends in their car. Then when we were at the restaurant we met some more friends. We stayed at a Double Tree hotel. The boys teased mom and me because we stayed in the jacuzzi while they went into the cold pool.

The next day we to the American Girl Store at The Grove. It's so cool there. Not only the American Girl Store but The Grove itself. It has a really cool famer's market with lots of yummy food. Here's some pictures.

My mom took this one. I'm in front of the American Girl Store.

Eating at the farmers market

We're in front of a 106 ft. Christmas tree.

We spent the rest of the day in Torrance going to more of our favorite places and restaurants.

The next day we really didn't do anything interesting.

The next day was the best day of all! We went to Disneyland! We used to have passes to Disneyland and went all the time. One of the best parts about going was that we were going to meet my cousins, Connor, Courtney, Owen, and Jack. I took millions of pictures. I'll show them.

We went home on my dad's birthday. It was sad. I hope you can come back and read more adventures of the Happy Halls.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fall Fun

Hi! I'm back again! This time I'm posting about fall. I have some great pictures of outside. Fall has been pretty fun this year. The trees are pretty bare now but they had some beautiful colors about a week ago. I personally think the best part of fall is jumping into giant leaf piles and taking pictures of the leaves. Here's a picture I took.

That's actually not from our yard. Do you see the fence? The tree belongs to the people who live behind us. Here's another picture I took. This tree is actually in our yard.

It seems like our peach tree always loses all its leaves first. So you've seen some of my pictures. But as I told you my other favorite thing about fall is jumping in the leaves. Here's some pictures.

Look at all those leaves!

Here I come! Weee!

Me & Trav sittin' in the leaves

We're thinking of using this for our Christmas card. So that's how much fun I had this fall. I hope you have this much fun during fall too. And I hope you have this much fun when you visit the Happy Halls.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Meet the Happy Halls

Hi! I'm Brianna. I'm 10 years old and I'm writing a blog for my family. Now that you've met me, I think you should meet the rest of my family.
First, you should meet my dad Nathan. He'll be 39 in December. Here's a picture of him.
He works from home. His favorite color is purple. And he's lots of fun.

Now you should meet my mom Jeni. She is 36 years old. Here's a picture of her.
She is a teacher. Her favorite color is pink. And she is very nice.

Now you should meet my little brother Travis. He'll be 6 in February. Here's a picture of him.

His favorite color is red. He's sometimes annoying but he's nice and pretty cute.

Now you should meet my little kitten Minnie. She's about 6 months old. Here's a picture of her.

What a cute cat! She's fun to have around. She loves to chase things and cuddle up on people's laps.

I hope you come back soon and read more about the Happy Halls.