Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Piano Recital

I'm not going to start with "I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while." I've started with that too many times. Today's post is probably going to be a short one. I don't have much to talk about. My grandma really wanted hear about my piano recital so I'm going to talk about that. My dad took a video of me playing my songs. That's something new. I've never had any videos on my blog. They are probably going to appear tiny but you can still hear the music. There isn't much to see except the back of my head anyway. During my piano recital, I played two solos and one duet. I've been taking piano lessons from Travis' friend's mom/mom's friend/primary chorister/neighbor since May 8, 2008. I've just sped on through. I pass off all my songs and practice almost every day. (You've got to give mom credit too. Without her I'd probably never practice.) I can't wait for you to hear my songs. I know you'll be impressed.

The first song I played was a solo. Midnight Dance it was called. It was quick, fast, and pretty easy to memorize. I played it note-to-note perfect. Here it is.

That was Midnight Dance. The next song was also a solo. It was called Sunset on Equinox Pond. I also played it note-to-note perfect. Here it is.

That was Sunset on Equinox Pond. The next song I played (Polka Dot Hop) was a duet. I did mess up a few times on that one and so did my piano teacher. Here it is.

That was Polka Dot Hop. Did you hear it when I messed up? It was my first piano recital. I have to say it was a pretty good experiance. I'm glad I'm done with all those songs. I got so tired of playing them over and over again. I'm glad you get to hear the songs I've been practicing for so long. I hope this was a happy visit with the Happy Halls. I hope you can visit again soon. Bye!


  1. Thank you so much, Brianna, for sending the blog of your piano recital. It was almost as good as being there. You did so well. Please keep practicing. You will enjoy playing for yourself and you will especially be able to play for others. It is a wonderful talent to possess. Love, Grandma Hall

  2. Your first recital was wonderful! I can remember playing a duet with my piano teacher. The difference is that I was 30 instead of your age. Did you notice that I didn't say what your age is? I have completely lost track of how old you are. If I were to base it on your piano playing ability, I would say that you are 15. All three songs were lovely. You should be very sorry that you haven't posted for sooooo long because I look forward to reading your posts. I don't have a lot in my life to get excited about so please post a little more often. Tell your father he is a bum for not coming to his niece's wedding. Perhaps you should remind him how she took such good care of you and Travis. Aunt Joan
